Sunday, December 28, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
What I'm reading these days
Monday, November 17, 2008
Jammie Weekend
I did however, discover a really easy dinner - and I have NO idea why I didn't think of doing it sooner.... I'm a tool sometimes...
I made meatballs, got sub buns, cooked the meatballs in the spaghetti sauce, poured in all into the buns, and voila! Meatballs subs. Never a need to spend 8 dollars and whatever cents at Pizza Pizza again.
Monday, November 10, 2008
I'm too old?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
A group blog it is! Bilingual couples
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Racial healing?
I'm not big on politics - Canadian or American.
I'm pleased that he won though. He's a fantastic speaker, and I really believe he's got his head in right place. He wants positive change, and he's got a lot of work to do. Repairing international relationships, the economy, the war, the list goes on. I probably would have voted him too, if I were American.
On the MSN website, like every other website today, the presidential election is on the first page. So I read it. One woman had this to say:
"It will be the beginning of racial healing in the country."
Will it? Just because the president is a black man?
I had to go back and read her statement three or four times.
Yes, I think a bright, educated, eloquent black man leading the States will be an incredible role model for young black men and boys all over the world. How couldn't he be? But I just don't see how Obama being president is going to be the beginning of racial healing.
There will always be crazy white supremacists walking the streets, there will always be holy wars, racial slurs and lines drawn in the sand between races. Do I like it? Certainly not.
I believe all races to be equal, with the only dividers being money, geography and opportunity. I am a white Canadian woman, and no better than anyone else on this planet. I don't identify myself as "white", "woman" or "Canadian". I'm a PERSON. Just like you and you and you.
I would love to see racial healing, but I don't think Obama's got the power to erase the pain and memories. It's certainly a step in the right direction, but unfortunately, I don't think there will ever be a time - at least in my lifetime - where race doesn't play a part in society at large.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Weird weather
The Death of Common Sense
Today, we mourn the passing of a beloved old friend, Common Sense, who has been with us for many years. No one knows for sure how old he was, since his birth records were long ago lost in bureaucratic red tape.
He will be remembered as having cultivated such valuable lessons as:
* Knowing when to come in out of the rain;
* Why the early bird gets the worm;
* Life isn't always fair;* and maybe it was my fault.
Common Sense lived by simple, sound financial policies (don't spend more than you can earn) and reliable strategies (adults, not children, are incharge).
His health began to deteriorate rapidly when well-intentioned butoverbearing regulations were set in place.
Reports of a 6-year-old boy charged with sexual harassment for kissing a classmate; teens suspended from school for using mouthwash after lunch; and a teacher fired for reprimanding an unruly student, only worsened his condition.
Common Sense lost ground when parents attacked teachers for doing the job that they themselves had failed to do in disciplining their unruly children.
It declined even further when schools were required to get parental consent to administer sun lotion or an Aspirin to a student; but could not inform parents when a student became pregnant and wanted to have an abortion!!!!!????
Common Sense lost the will to live as the churches became businesses; and criminals received better treatment than their victims.
Common Sense took a beating when you couldn't defend yourself from a burglar in your own home and the burglar could sue you for assault..
Common Sense finally gave up the will to live, after a woman failed to realize that a steaming cup of coffee was hot. She spilled a little in her lap, and was promptly awarded a huge settlement.
Common Sense was preceded in death, by his parents, Truth and Trust his wife, Discretion his daughter, Responsibility his son, Reason. He is survived by his 4 stepbrothers;
* I Know My Rights
*I Want It Now
* Someone Else Is To Blame
* I'm A Victim
Not many attended his funeral because so few realized he was gone.
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
What community?
So this one episode features a Canadian family from Toronto who have moved to California for work, have been searching for a house somewhere in the $750-850,000 mark (GASP!). During the show, the family takes a little walk through the community to see what it's like.
As I'm watching, they're commenting on the sense of community of the place, the little cafes, small mom and pop shops etc, which brings me back to why I hate the city I live in.
It's a mid-sized city of about 500,000 people. We're central to a ton of other places, but there's no "neighbourhood" feeling here. There's aren't any little cafes (just Tim Horton's), no mom and pop shops to speak of (big box stores abound however) and no feeling of community. The people on our street don't talk to each other, never mind socialize.
Why do people want to live like this?? I just don't get it.
Which made me think back to our stay in Playa this summer, where I had these great little conversations with a corner store owner every day. I think I spoke to him more in one week that I've ever spoken to a store owner around here! Sad, sad, sad.
What's happened to our lives that we're too busy/private/cautious/guarded/unable/unwilling to speak to people? Where has the sense of "community" and "neighbourhoods" gone???
Meh. Just pisses me off. It really does. For all people say, we could learn a lot from the everyday Mexican people. Is it time to move yet?
Random thoughts
Anyway. While I was in the shower this morning, I got to thinking. I do a lot of thinking in the shower. It's a good place to stop and think.
I love the Playa del Carmen area, and could see us living there very happily. Real estate is expensive, but airfair is cheaper.
But then again, I'm so intrigued by the history and architecture etc of the Mazatlan area. Real estate is cheaper, but air fare is much more expensive.
Maybe someday we can afford to go to Mazatlan and check out that area.
Hmmm.... Food for thought.
Another though -
I have one more teacher's college application to fill out. I know very well that I haven't got a chance in hell of being accepted at this particular university, but I'd feel like I was cheating if didn't send in my application stuff anyway.
There is a school in Buffalo where I can apply as well if none of the schools I've applied to accepts me.
Another -
Sitka (Mike and Cynthia's pooch) found her way home, and I wonder if our beloved Chorney was up there in heaven guiding Sitka along her path and keeping an eye out on her. Regardless, I'm so happy that she's been brought home. What a great community in Guaymos!
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Stuck in the house
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Thank God it's over. I mean, I love my family but seriously. Do we really need to eat that much food?
Ok. It's my fault since I'm the "cooker" for every holiday. But there's guilt about not having enough food so I cook more than we need.
Trap LOVES any holiday that has turkey attached to it as he's the receiver of the prized "turkey neck". He grabs it and high tails it to the back door waiting to be let out because he knows he's not allowed to mow down on it anywhere inside the house. Outside is the appropriate place for the slobber-fest that's going to take place.
Now, before anyone tells me that dogs shouldn't eat raw stuff, keep in mind that Trap is a greyhound of the racing variety, although retired, and has eaten a healthy supply of raw food since day 1. There's a huge population of greyhounds that eat nothing but a raw diet, and they're happy and healthy - usually more so than the kibble-fed greyhound population.
My aunt and uncle came from Timmins and it's always great to see them. I don't get to see them very often and I really enjoy their company. My uncle had a stroke a few years back so he's not 100% clear all the time, but he's still got his great personality.
My mother came with the beast from hell. That would be Ginny, her Yorkshire Terrier. I am NOT a little dog person. Ginny has bottom teeth that stick out, so her two bottom canines protrude giving her this demonic look. She used to run up behind Trap and chew his back legs until Trap finally stepped on her trying to get away. She's hasn't done it since. Instead she runs around the house, vaulting herself onto furniture regardless of whether someone happens to be occupying it or not.
My in-laws came too. They don't exactly fit in with my family. We are loud, outspoken, hand-waving, politic-talking, religion-bashing (at times) people who quite often debate issues in a heated manner. My in-laws are extremely quiet, simple people. They're not up-to-date on politics or world events. Their lives pretty much revolve around who won the hockey game, who's playing in the CFL (that would be the Canadian Football League - the Hamilton Ti-Cats are our contribution to the league here in Hamilton), who died, old cars, and their walk to Herbie's (the local grocery/drug/dollar/parephenalia store).
So while my family is trash-talking the political leaders, debating religious views (my family are Anglicans [praticing and not], in-laws are Catholic [devout]), screaming over wars and news stories, these two meak, not very informed people sit and stare at us like we've just landed our little spaceships on the front lawn and are in the process of speaking in beeps and blips.
Makes for kind of an uncomfortable evening at times. Why? Because I have guilt that they're not "getting" what we're talking about. And they rarely do. My husband will have quiet side conversations with them keeping them entertained while the rest of us carry on. To explain things simply, they just haven't had the experiences in their lives that afford them knowledge. They never travelled, never changed jobs, never got involved in anything besides card games. They've been rather uninformed their entire lives, and prefer to gossip about people they know and try to out-do their own family members. Who has the most expensive car, who has the newest dish-washer.. well, you get the point.
Anyway. One of my cousins came as well which was great. We don't see him very often even though he only lives about 30 minutes away. And, he brought a bottle of red wine. Need I say more?
So after the turkey, the roast, mashed potatoes, baby carrots, roasted asparagus, candied sweet potatoes, spinach au gratin, perogies, dessert and a few bottles of wine were gone, it was over again until Christmas. Trap can't wait!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
I'm in the midst of filling out applications for teacher's college for the 09 intake. They're far more complicated than they need to be. My cousin, who teaches high school, came over last night and he couldn't believe how tedious they are now. Serves me right for waiting until I'm almost 40 to do this. Hindsight - well, you know what they say.
I'm missing Mexico like crazy, especially now that the weather is going downhill. This week has been cold, windy and rainy. Yesterday morning was only +4 degreees celcius. Yuck! Nasty, cold, disgusting weather. This weekend is supposed to be nicer, but these weather people lie a lot, so I believe nothing until I actually see it.
Regardless of the fact that I DESPISE winter, I have to admit that fall in Canada is a wonder to behold. The turning of the leaves in this part of Canada is legendary, and you'd be a liar if you saw it and said you weren't impressed. I'm going to try to take some pictures next weekend, and I'll be sure to post them here for you to see. (I'm sure Cancun Canuck, if she's reading, will appreciate them, but not necessarily miss it! LOL)
I've been keeping up on everyone's blogs even though I admit that I sometimes find them depressing in my own way. They're all written by people who have set out and done exactly what I want to do so badly. I read about their new lives, exploring and experiencing, and I conitnue to lead the same life day after day. I'm so proud of all of you who took the plunge and made it successful! I haven't given up though.... I just have to figure out the "how" and the "when".
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Monday, September 15, 2008
Never enough time...
This is my last year in my undergraduate degree studies. It’s been such a long, long haul. I’m delighted to see the proverbial “light” at the end of the tunnel. I remember when I started it seemed like an insurmountable challenge, and here I am at the end.
This semester is relatively easy with just one course. Due to scheduling problems, I’ve ended up with the worst schedule I’ve ever seen. Other people are grimacing and offering condolences when they hear about it. My son has already warmed his friends that mom is going to “grummmpay” in January. I can even see my sex life going down the tubes much to my husband’s dismay….
As I said, this semester is good. One class. I’ve always taken 2 classes per semester which was a good balance. However, with this being my last year, my course choices were really limited. After 2 weeks of trying to work things out in the best way possible, I ended up with 3 classes in second semester. That means that I’ll be at school 3 nights per week as well as one morning, which I’ll have to take off as unpaid time. That’s 4 days a week, with a 45-minute drive each way.
The only positive note is that come April, I will have a bachelor’s degree.
My current challenge is applying to teacher’s college for the 2009 intake. I’m in the process of getting all my papers in order to apply. The deadline is November 28th, and I won’t find out if I’ve been accepted anywhere until April of 2009. That’s one heck of a long wait.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Helping out the Peanut Pet Shelter in Playa

Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Could I do it?
Monday, August 4, 2008
In Playa del Carmen
Friday, August 1, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
8 Days and Counting
We've been mentally checking things off our to-do list, and list is getting rather short now. I'm sure there are other things we'll have to do, but these are the ones that are foremost on my mind right now.
- Buy US money
- Stock up on sun screen
- Find a kennel for Chorney
- Ask Meaghan's friend's mom if they will look after the hamster
- Get Meaghan new flip flops
- Finish reading my book for school so I can read something that I WANT TO READ!
I got a great list of cheap places to eat in Playa from http://www.playa.info/index.html . We're not rich and since there are 4 of us going this time we need to find ways of cutting down on costs while we're there. One of the wonderful members on the board had compiled an 8 page list of restaurants, mercado's, taco carts etc. I've printed it off and put it with the other info type stuff I'm bringing with us.
I've been in touch with the owners of the Plantation House, and recieved all the information needed from them. I'm looking forward to meeting them! She is from France and by coincidence, he is originally from a city about 30 minutes from here, which is where I lived when I first moved down here from northern Ontario. They seem like really nice, genuine people.
I found a webcam located at Playa Palms Beach so I've been watching the people go by on and off throughout the day. This morning I saw a guy taking a picture of 7 empty beach chairs. Why, I don't know... Seems like an odd thing to take pictures of, but that's just me. I would have turned around and taken a picture of the ocean!
This will probably be our last trip until after I finish teacher's college. There just won't be any money leftover for trips until I finish and actually start teaching, so we'll have to make the most of this one! I know that in about 3 or 4 months I'll be wanting to go again. Just have to keep myself in check and be responsible. Being responsible sucks.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Letting Go
He has decided to go up to nothern Ontario to spend a week with his dad. This isn't anything new - he's been doing this for the past 15 years.
In the past though, his father and I have both driven and met half-way to hand him off (it's about a 10 hour drive there and back for each of us). The past few years, I've taken him into Union Station in Toronto, bought his train ticket and seen him safely on the train, not leaving until it had pulled out of the station.
This morning, I took him into Burlington and dropped him off at the Go Station, the commuter train that runs through southern Ontario and has it's hub at Union Station in Toronto, where he will buy his ticket for the eleven hour journey and make his way through the crazy, bustling train station.
He's navigating on his own this time. I'm not there to make sure that he manages to find the right counter, buy his ticket, and find the platform to board his train.
The train pulls out at 8:40 - that's in 11 minutes. He's got his cell phone, and I've already texted him twice to make sure that everything is going ok. Neurotic? Maybe. But no matter his age, he's still my baby and this is the first time he's doing this on his own without me to guide him and make sure he's safe.
I won't rest until he lets me know that he's on the train and underway and that he's safe.
This parenting stuff is hard.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Weather and Me
I kind of chuckled. Maybe I have more balls than a lot of people, braver, less concerned... I don't know. Whatever it is, I'm just not afraid of weather. Don't get me wrong - I have a very healthy respect for Mother Nature, but I'm not about to run and hide from her, living my life in a bubble.
I find nothing more awesome and beautiful than a huge thunderstorm complete with thunder and lightning. Would I go stand in the middle of the street in bare feet toting a big metal pole? Of course not. But I'll stand under a safe roof, watching and listening with fascination, appreciating nature and all it's power with wonder.
I guess that some northerners are afraid of the "unknown". We don't get hurricanes, cyclones, tropical storms or things of that nature. We have had a few weak earthquakes in this area along with a few smaller tornadoes, but nothing of any real concern. Us northerners live in a relatively safe area, free from the serious weather dangers experienced in other parts of the world. But I seriously doubt that Mother Nature is going to keep me from going where I want and experiencing life.
I looked at my friend today, and felt a little sorry for her. I felt sorry that she's got these fears that hold her back from enjoying and experiencing life. The beauty of Mexico is well worth the miniscule risk!
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
It's been a month already???

We splurged and bought a new trailer. I haven't taken any pictures of it, but I'll post some when I do. I absolutely love it. We have had a trailer parked permanently in a park about 40 minutes from home, and we love being there. We spend pretty much every weekend there between April and October. Our little home away from home. Our old one was just not big enough. It's one thing when you're just using it a few days here and there, but the place really is another home for us and we were pretty cramped. I can't wait to show you guys pictures!!!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Not much to blog about these days
I've read about some delicious Thai recipes from Theresa - http://theresainmerida.blogspot.com/
Learned about the Beach Recovery Plan from Cancun Canuck - http://www.cancuncanuck.com/
Kept up with the life of Brenda and Roy - http://brendandroygoingtomexico.blogspot.com/
Ogled more pictures on Nancy's Blog - http://countdowntomexico.blogspot.com/ and enjoyed stories on their day to day lives.
And, of course, I've been completely caught up in the adventures of Cindy and Mike - http://cintia-y-miguel.blogspot.com/
There are a ton more blogs I read but these are just a few of the regulars. If you haven't checked them out, then shame on you, you should!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
How the hell am I supposed to do that????

Sunday, June 1, 2008
Bugs in the Sink

These dudes really bother me. Every summer they're around the house, lurking in tubs and sinks, just waiting to scare the bejeesus out of me.
After a long, quiet winter of safety from these multi-legged forms of terror, I found one in the kitchen sink this morning.
I was by myself.
No one could help me.
I had to kill it myself.
This reminded me of another murderous attempt on my part, that failed horribly. Here's the story. My entire family laughs and guffaws every time someone brings it up.
The scene:
I'm alone in the house. (Insert scary music here) I'm completely nekkid in the bathroom, getting ready to have a shower. The water is on, and I'm ready to get in.
I pull the shower curtain back and......... THERE IT IS!!!!
I reel back in horror, my hands and legs are shaking.
IT'S IN THE TUB! ALL 900 LEGS!!! (Ok, so they don't have 900 legs, but it sure felt like it at the time.)
What do I do????? OH GOD! WHAT DO I DO!!!!!!!!!
I have to act fast otherwise it will run away and I won't know where it's gone.
The Plan:
If I unroll about 40 feet of toilet paper, I think to myself, that should be enough to squish it while keeping it safely away from my skin. It's a good plan.
I pull on the toilet paper, and reams and reams of it fall to the floor. I gather it up, take a deep breath ready to face my fear. I know I can do this. It's only a bug right??
I whip back the shower curtain again, stab at the creature, missing. I reload, and stab out again, this time covering his body in toilet paper. I grab and squish. SQUISH!!!! Make sure the little bugger is good and dead!
I pull up the lid on the toilet and throw the mound of toilet paper in, slamming the lid back down and flushing.
By this time, I'm sweating. My heart is pounding and I'm feeling faint.
But wait! I won! I did it! I killed the bug, and flushed his body! I can have my shower now!
Everything is good, and I'm feeling great! I have a nice, long shower, enjoying my new found sense of freedom. I've faced the enemy and won.
My husband comes home, and I rush out to tell him how brave I was. How I looked into the centipede's eyes and crushed him. I was brave, strong. Husband laughs and goes into the washroom to do his business. I hear laughing. The door opens and he calls me in.
He points into the toilet, and the centipede is sitting on top of the blob of toilet paper that didn't go down on the first flush, and he's staring at me. Ugh.
I hate those centipedes.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Canada - Land of the Free - My rant for the week
Thursday, May 29, 2008
On the mend with Sopa de Lima

I've always wanted to try it, figuring that since I love lemon and lime, it would probably be something I'd like, and I sure wasn't disappointed! I may have overdone it with the lime a bit, so I just added more broth to even it out. The recipe called for mexican oregano, but all I had was regular stuff. I omitted the fried tortillas as well, but now I can see how they would compliment the soup nicely.
The other thing I found in the grocery store was masa harina. I'd love to try making my own tortillas, but I'd probably need a tortilla press. I'll have to do a little research and find out how they're made authentically. You can't find corn tortillas here pre-made in the stores unfortunately, so I've been using whole wheat for anything I need them for.
I don't fry them before making enchilladas, but I'd love to try that as well. I bet the flavour of a corn tortilla would be amazing after lightly frying!
So now I have yet another kitchen gadget that I want. I'm not sure where the heck I'll put it as my kitchen is loaded with toys already.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Shocking Food
Monday, May 26, 2008
Steve Irwin and his Crocs
Monday, May 19, 2008
Feels like fall in May!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Mis Perros
Trap, the greyound, most likely will. He has just turned 5 in April and I hope he's around for a good long while. Elliott, who is our preadopted greyhound, is not yet one, and hasn't even started schooling for racing yet, so it will be a few years before he's ready to come home. Shorter if he's not a decent prospect. (Let's hope that's the case!!)
Anyway... I worry about the heat and how it will affect them. I see others have taken their dogs with no problem. Greyhounds however, have no isulating body fat and very little fur to protect them from the sun and heat.
If anyone has any experience with this, I'd sure love to know!!! Maybe I'll just have to make sure that they get their very own swimming pools!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA