Sunday, April 13, 2008

Some other plans

Like I don't have enough on my plate already, I've decided to tackle something that I've wanted to do for a very long time.  

When I was much younger and had oodles of free time on my hands to pursue whatever fancy happened to strike me, I spent a lot of time writing fiction.  Mostly short stories, a little poetry, a few small novellas.  For me it was a way to escape reality for a little while, creating, molding and fabricating a world far from my own. 

Back then I loved authors like Stephen King for example, and my own writing tended to emulate that genre of the bizarre - strange characters and strangers story lines.

I come by my love for literature honestly enough.  In our house growing up, if you didn't have a book in your hand, you'd likely die of boredom.  No one talked.  No one discussed current affairs or even compared notes on whatever piece of fiction you were currently engrossed in.  Nope, we all read to ourselves.

This, of course, cause a myriad of problems for me a little later in life when I realized in my failing first marriage that I had no idea how to communicate.  Give me a pen and paper and I could write pages of detailed explanations on my feelings and thoughts.  As soon as I opened my mouth though, words failed me.  It took years to get past that and figure out how to sit and talk to someone about problems and life.

Fast forward to now.

I still love literature (hence half my bachelor's degree in English literature) and I still love to write, although I've broadened my horizons encompassing more than just the weird.  

So, I've decided to write a book.  I won't give anymore information than that though.  It's not even fiction which surprises me, but when the idea popped into my head a few weeks ago I thought, "Hey!  That's a great idea!!"  (Of course I think it's a great idea - it's my own after all!)  I guess we'll have to wait and see if others think so too.

So keep watching!  One of these days I'll have this sucker done and maybe you'll even buy it!

(Now I'm imagining myself sitting in Mexico, laptop in front of me, a marguerita ready for sipping, writing away til my heart's content...  Another reason to get my butt there?  Like I needed another reason....)


Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

I've always wanted to write a book. I started one once, "The Rock n' Roll Cookbook." Recipes that were named after famous songs...I got a few pages into it and then I think I started eating too much...

Anonymous said...

My husband and I are retirement age and I have been reading a lot to help us prepare for our move to Mexico. There is an international school in Guadalajara called ITTO. You can go online and learn all about them. They offer an online certificate to teach English as a foreign language (TEFL). We will get our certificates in Guadalajara, but I was thinking that you AND your husband might want to get yours online. Then ITTO will give you all of their resources to find jobs teaching in Mexico--both of you! Maybe your husband could begin to think of himself as a teacher. Isn't that what sales is? He teaches others that they NEED the insurance he is selling. My husband used to be a lawyer. When he became a teacher, he enjoyed it and said that lawyers were always teaching juries.