I'm so annoyed today. I went to the gas station to put gas in the car, which I'd like to point out cost me $78.00!!!!!!!!!!!! ($129.9 CAD per litre)
Something didn't look right. Things just didn't look the same. I know. Where have all the cigarettes gone????
Oh. I see. Hidden. We're not allowed to look at them.
Dirty, disgusting, nasty things. (This is sarcasm. I know it's hard to translate that into writing, so I'm just letting you know.)
I can look at scantilly clad women plastered on the front on magazines.
I can watch pornography on my television.
I can use poorly maintained, filthy public restroom.
I can listen to youths cursing like truckers at every turn.
I can go to my son's high school and buy any kind of drug I want.
But, I can't look at the cigarettes in the store. Nevermind, that the Canadian public pays between 8-12 dollars for a PACK of cigarettes.
Apparently, this is going to save lives. Right. I can see the logic there. (This is more sarcasm)
I soon won't be able to talk on my cell phone while I'm driving.
Young kids can drive around with their music so loud I can hear them from a mile away, and the base so loud that their trunks are practically popping open.
They allow 90 year olds to continue to drive while they mosey down the 4 lane highways at 50 km/hr, and bump into curbs, run lights, back out without looking.
I can use the inside lane on the 401 ONLY if I have a 2nd passenger in the car. Otherwise, I'm relegated to using the lanes where the morons are weaving in and out of traffic, tailgating and cutting people off.
But as a responsible, courteous, safe driver with an absolutely clean driving record after nearly 20 years of driving, I won't be able to use my phone while I drive.
We can't drive anywhere, because it costs too damn much for gas anyway, but the government says they can't do anything to alleviate the rising costs, even though the taxes paid on gasoline purchases is 30 something percent.
We pay taxes, upon taxes, upon taxes. We pay a goods and service tax. Add these 2 things together and pay 13% on everything we buy or pay for. My paycheck is cut in half thanks to the amount of taxes I pay.
If someone breaks into my house and falls down and hurts themselves, I can be sued.
My neighbors can complain to the city if my hedge is too bushy, my dog barks, if my fence isn't high enough, if my pool isn't secured.
If I die, my family will have to pay a DEATH TAX. Yes, you're taxed when you die. Will they be able to afford to bury me? Pay taxes on me for the next few years after my death?
Thanks to my husband's medical insurance plan, I can buy my medications for 80% of the cost, only if the insurance company decides that whatever I need is on their list of "covered" drugs.
I can put a hot tub in my back yard, only if the city tells me I can. For this priviledge I have to pay for a permit, and follow their rules.
Yes, Canada is a great country. Or was, at least.
I'm certainly not free. I'm not free to do anything. My freedom is being stripped away piece by piece, bit by bit. We as Canadians are so passive, that we just sit around and shrug, folding our hands in our laps, and smiling while we take it up the tail pipe.
I'm frustrated, obviously.
I'm a middle class, well educated, responsible, law abiding citizen. I pay my taxes like a good girl. I go to work everyday, and pay through the nose for everything. My children attend school and I teach them right from wrong.
But I can't look at cigarettes behind a counter in a store?????????
I can't use my cell phone when and where it pleases me????????
I can't afford to drive a days' distance because I'm being ripped off blind by my government????
I have to smoke on the sidewalk like some low life???????
I can't be trusted to determine a safe height for my fence?????
I can be held responsible for the safety and well being of a common criminal who decides to rob me?????
I have to put up with the rude, condescending behaviours and attitudes of our spoiled society???
If I put up a "Beware of Dog" sign, I'm admitting that I have a vicious dog???
I have to put up with uppity, stuck up, SUV-driving, soccer moms and their bratty, rude, out of control children???
Please. Spare me.
You can have it.
1 comment:
Yeah, I'm in Calgary, and here, we can't even smoke on restarant patios or outdoor C-train stations!
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