Wednesday, July 9, 2008

It's been a month already???

Wow! It's been a month since I posted anything. How time flies.....

Let's see. Updates.

The vet visit went well with the dogs. Barkey McBarker (aka Chorney the geriatric shepherd) received a fairly clean bill of health. The urine sample never materialized, even after 40 minutes of stalking her in the backyard armed with surgical gloves and a urine specimen cup. I was ready to dive everytime it looked like she was going to pee, but alas.... Nothing. She wouldn't even pee when the vet tech took her outside at the office! However, there's been no more blood in her blood that we can see, so we're just leaving things alone. Her back end is failing miserably now though. Her back paws are knuckling under at times and she's unable to climb the stairs up of the back deck, and relies on someone to carry her up. This is pretty hard for me since she weighs 80 pounds, but we're managing. Sad to think that she just won't be around much longer.

Trap (the greyhound) weighed in at a whopping 87 pounds - the heaviest he should be while remaining at a healthy weight. Too bad he's so damn lazy or he might be able to shed a few of those pounds. The vet wanted to kidnap him. It's hard not to fall in love with this big red boy....

We splurged and bought a new trailer. I haven't taken any pictures of it, but I'll post some when I do. I absolutely love it. We have had a trailer parked permanently in a park about 40 minutes from home, and we love being there. We spend pretty much every weekend there between April and October. Our little home away from home. Our old one was just not big enough. It's one thing when you're just using it a few days here and there, but the place really is another home for us and we were pretty cramped. I can't wait to show you guys pictures!!!
Our departure date for Playa del Carmen is fast approaching and we're all getting pretty excited. I've been thinking of buying one of those portable DVD players for our daughter to watch on the plane. The plane ride is going to be long and boring for her, so this would give her something to do. Quite frankly I can easily sleep for the entire flight, but I doubt she will!
If everything goes well and she enjoys it (I can't see how she wouldn't, but who knows...) we might make this a yearly thing once I've finished teacher's college.
There's been absolutely no more discussion on relocating to Mexico. I'm not pushing it. We've got a long time before we make any decisions anyway. For right now I'm just going to sit back and enjoy this trip. 3 weeks to go!!!

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