Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Weird weather

So strangely enough, we're having really beautiful weather.  This is the weather we should have had in September and early October instead of early November.  It's warm, sunny with blue skies.  Not right now of course, because it's after 7pm, but during the day, it's been beautiful.

And to make it even sweeter, this is supposed to last throughout the week!!  Hoorah!  Finally something positive to post about!

October/November weather here in southern Ontario can be a bit on the bizarro side.  I remember a few Halloweens where I sat on the front step handing out candy, in a t-shirt while sipping a glass of wine.  But I also remember some where the poor kids had 18 layers of clothing stuffed under their costumes, making them all look like extremely fat little versions of whatever they were supposed to be.

My daughter loves Halloween, which is the exact opposite of me.  I hate it with a passion.  What's worse than sending your kids out - the same kids you nag not to eat crap all the time, to brush their teeth really, really well - and then encouraging them to fill entire pillow cases with snack crap full of sugar??  Well, I know its fun, but really - I'm not a supporter.

Anyway, at the tender age of 8, she seems to have shed her girlie-girl ways, wanting to dress up like princesses and pop stars, and decided she wanted to go out like a dead man.  

A dead man, Megs?
Yes mom, a dead man.

So we raided Ger's closet, found a shirt and tie, put her hair up in a hat, did up her face to look 'dead' and off she went with her little friends, returning only when she couldn't stuff one more halloween sized Coffee Crisp into her bag.  (The only acceptable thing about Halloween are bite-sized Coffee Crisp bars.  They make me really happy!)

What she really enjoyed though was that she didn't have to have a winter coat on over her costume, or underneath it for that matter.

I so wish this weather would stick around, but I know better.  Pretty soon we're going to pay for our "Indian summer".

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