Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Random thoughts

The past little while I feel like I've got Bipolar Disorder. Up one day and down the next. Ugh. I know though, that I'm just incredibly stressed these days by a number of things going on, and that someday things will settle down and I'll be fine. You may have noticed by the topics I've been posting.

Anyway. While I was in the shower this morning, I got to thinking. I do a lot of thinking in the shower. It's a good place to stop and think.

I love the Playa del Carmen area, and could see us living there very happily. Real estate is expensive, but airfair is cheaper.

But then again, I'm so intrigued by the history and architecture etc of the Mazatlan area. Real estate is cheaper, but air fare is much more expensive.

Maybe someday we can afford to go to Mazatlan and check out that area.

Hmmm.... Food for thought.

Another though -

I have one more teacher's college application to fill out. I know very well that I haven't got a chance in hell of being accepted at this particular university, but I'd feel like I was cheating if didn't send in my application stuff anyway.

There is a school in Buffalo where I can apply as well if none of the schools I've applied to accepts me.

Another -

Sitka (Mike and Cynthia's pooch) found her way home, and I wonder if our beloved Chorney was up there in heaven guiding Sitka along her path and keeping an eye out on her. Regardless, I'm so happy that she's been brought home. What a great community in Guaymos!

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