Sunday, March 9, 2008

A sunny day in Hamilton

This morning we woke up, the sun was shining and the sky was a bright blue.  And man, is it cold!  After 24+ hours of snowfall we shovelled our cars out of the driveway, and the snowbanks are much higher than the cars themselves.  

Gerald and I left the kids at home, and walked over to Tim Horton's for a coffee.  While we were there, I asked him if we could talk seriously about a move to Mexico.

He's in.  He likes the idea.

He still has reservations about healthcare and employment.  Employment won't be as much of a problem for me as it will be for him.  I'll be a qualified teacher (in Canada) in English and French, and I'll also take ESL certification.  For him, however, the job market will be tougher to navigate.  The other thing I have going is that before going back to university, I was a graphic artist, so I could possibly use that to my advantage as well.

He's also concerned about being able to live comfortably on whatever salaries we make.  I don't think he intends on living like a king by any means, but he's trying to be thorough in his thinking, taking every little thing into consideration.

We talked about making a temporary, or trial move for 6 months to a year, and seeing how it goes.  I'm pretty sure that we will be making a trip over the next year or so, renting a house for a week preferably in the centro area of Mazatlan, and living as normally as possible to see how we'll like it.

Another idea I had was to purchase a home and then rent it out.  That will require a lot more investigation though.  I don't know exactly how we'd work out all the logistics of it, but it's a thought anyway.

The best part of the day was hearing him say that he's on board.  It may not happen for a number of years, but at least we've got a direction to move in!  I'm excited to be able to research things with him and share information and ideas.  I've done a lot more reading on the topic than he has, but I'm encouraging him to do all the research he needs or wants to!  

My son Michael still thinks I'm nuts.  We haven't mentioned anything to Meaghan yet, because at 8 years of age, I'm not sure she'd completely understand what we're talking about, especially when we start talking about a trial move.  All in good time.  She's anxious to take a trip to Mexico though - she was pretty angry that we didn't take her with us the last time!

So all in all, it's been a positive weekend (except for school work that I've neglected).

Stay tuned!


CancunCanuck said...

Hi there, glad to have found your blog! Sounds like you are doing all the right things to plan a move, research would have been wise on my part, lol. (Though I probably wouldn't have made the jump if I had tried, for me it had to happen by accident). has a section called "Life in Cancun" that is useful, as does That's IF Cancun is your final choice, so many options open to you down here where it's sunny and warm! If I had a choice, I think I might prefer to live in Playa del Carment, though the schools are better here in Cancun.

Keep up the good work, glad you got the husband to admit it's not a horrible idea. :)

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

Hello Beth - thank you for your kind comments on our blog!

You can do it...especially with your teaching credentials. And now that you have Gerald on board.

Also, you might want to read a fellow Canadian's blog: for Brenda's whole story about moving from Canada to retire in Guaymas.

I'll be checking on you now...


Theresa in Mèrida said...

I think the smartest thing you can do (after learning Spanish before you move) is to rent a house for a year first. You need to live in Mexico long enough for the romance to wear off and for it all to stop being charming.
Health care is very affordable, even though we spend a considerable amount on meds (my husband is medically retired due to an injury) it is a fraction of what we would spend on health insurance (and then there would still be the deductibles to pay). The health care is excellent and the cost is negliable.
If you are concerned about crime move to Merida instead of Cancun, it's safer in Yucatan than Quintana Roo (sorry, Canuka, but you know it's true), but there are more jobs in Cancun due to tourism.
The best is to bring your job with you, something that pays NOB wages, the people who I know that do that are usually computer people.