Monday, March 24, 2008


Remember when you were little and you'd count down the days with such anticipation as to make your parents wish they could send you off somewhere until the blessed day actually arrived?  Everyday you'd look at the calendar, count the days off, and remind your parent for the 110th time that you really NEEDED to have that bike or barbie doll?

Today, I turn 39 years old.  Ugh.  Instead of counting down with anticipation, there was dread as each day ticked painfully by.  39!!!!  How in the world did that happen?????

In my head, I'm still 20.  I remember turning 30 and it was a difficult day.  My 20's were hard, but I was still young.  A kid!  Then I turned 30 and realized that those carefree days were behind me and I had to at least, start acting like an adult.  

And now.......  I'm 39.  Where oh where has the time gone???  My oldest is graduating from high school this year.  That's depressing.  In the past years I've started thinking about making sure that we have enough money to retire on, university plans for Mike, dealing with 'grown up' issues....  I don't like it one bit!!!

Of course I'm being silly.  I'm healthy (enough), I don't look anywhere near my age.  I still drive my car with the music blaring.  I can still (occasionally) drink some people under the table.  I still like to go boogie my butt off in a dance club.  I can still wear a tight t-shirt and look reasonably sexy.  That's all good, right?

But what bothers me, is that in all reality, my life is half over.  And I'm still working like a dog to make sure that the bills are paid, that we have vehicles in the driveway, that the mortgage is paid.....  sigh....  the list goes on.

Which brings me back to my very first post.  Shouldn't there be more to life that this?  

I look at the pictures of Nancy and Paul's beautiful house in Mazatlan, and I'm so envious of them.  (By the way Nancy and Paul - if you read this, obviously I LOVE your casa!!!!)

I keep thinking to myself, "All in good time" but 39 has crept up on me so fast that I can't help but wonder if tomorrow I'll be turning 50!!!!  

In the mean time, Gerald has decided to take me to dinner to celebrate at Mexicali Rosa's, which is the only mexican restaurant in the city that I know of, and I'm sure their food will be more canadianized (if that's really a word) than mexicanized.  Oh well.  At least it's mexican.  (Sort of)

Gerald and I talked a lot yesterday about Mexico.  The price of airfare is daunting to say the least.  For us northerners, we pay dearly to get to sunny places.  I did discover that Westjet (A Canadian airline) flies directly to Mazatlan from Calgary.  Which means that we'd have to fly to Calgary, Alberta which takes 4-5 hours and then fly from Calgary to Mazatlan.  I'm hoping that they start flying direct from here.  Otherwise, we have to drive into Toronto and catch a flight from there.  (I hate Toronto with a passion)  We could however, drive 24 hours to Orlando in Florida and take a flight from there which would cost us about 300 per person return.  But, that means that we'd have to take extra time off work to facilitate the drive.  Never an easy answer.....

Anyway, it's Easter Monday, and I don't have to work today.  I do, however, have school work I need to get done, so that's what I'm spending my day doing.

Hope everyone had a great Easter!


CancunCanuck said...

Happy birthday! Feliz cumpleaños! You are only as old as you feel my dear.

In terms of flights, I guess it depends where you are going, east or west side of Mexico. My parents live in Windsor but always fly out of Detroit and get some excellent fares. They have come to Cancun for as little as $100 USD each, plus a free ticket. They almost always fly Spirit Air. Have you checked flights out of Buffalo or Detroit? Might be another option for you. Happy planning and happy birthday again!

Brenda Maas said...

Happy Birthday.

Theresa in Mèrida said...

Happy Birthday, this year I told everyone that I am more than 20 years older than I really am, that way, everyone looks at me and says "you're kidding right? you sure look good for being in your 70s!"
I plan on reaching 115, so I am not even middle aged yet and I am older than you (even my real age not my reported one).
I like having birthdays, and I plan on continuing to have them for as long as possible, it certainly beats the alternative,

Nancy said...

Happy are just a baby compared to some of us! So, eat a lot of cake and make someone else do the cleanup!

Thanks for the kudos on our house, we love it like crazy. There's one out there for you, too, you know....