Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I just wanted to say thanks to those of you who posted and emailed sending good wishes along. I really appreciate it. That was a horrible time for us, and although I'm not going to get into specifics, things are slowly starting to look a little brighter.

I'm in the midst of filling out applications for teacher's college for the 09 intake. They're far more complicated than they need to be. My cousin, who teaches high school, came over last night and he couldn't believe how tedious they are now. Serves me right for waiting until I'm almost 40 to do this. Hindsight - well, you know what they say.

I'm missing Mexico like crazy, especially now that the weather is going downhill. This week has been cold, windy and rainy. Yesterday morning was only +4 degreees celcius. Yuck! Nasty, cold, disgusting weather. This weekend is supposed to be nicer, but these weather people lie a lot, so I believe nothing until I actually see it.

Regardless of the fact that I DESPISE winter, I have to admit that fall in Canada is a wonder to behold. The turning of the leaves in this part of Canada is legendary, and you'd be a liar if you saw it and said you weren't impressed. I'm going to try to take some pictures next weekend, and I'll be sure to post them here for you to see. (I'm sure Cancun Canuck, if she's reading, will appreciate them, but not necessarily miss it! LOL)

I've been keeping up on everyone's blogs even though I admit that I sometimes find them depressing in my own way. They're all written by people who have set out and done exactly what I want to do so badly. I read about their new lives, exploring and experiencing, and I conitnue to lead the same life day after day. I'm so proud of all of you who took the plunge and made it successful! I haven't given up though.... I just have to figure out the "how" and the "when".


Steve Cotton said...

Glad to see you back online. You will work out the how and the when. I am still transitioning -- and I know it takes time.

Beth said...

Thanks Steve! I can't wait to hear how everything goes for you once you get this move underway.

Right now I have to concentrate on finishing my degree, getting accepted to teacher's college and actually going. Once that's all done we'll have much more freedom to think ahead. Right now I've got to concentrate on what I'm doing, otherwise I easily get sidetracked! LOL (I'm REALLY schooled out at this point!) It' my 5th year of working full time, raising my kids and going to school at night. I NEED A BREAK! LOL

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

I'm also glad to see you back online! About sucky's 86F (30C) here in Guaymas and I am in heaven! Even though it is humid and we're expecting impact from Hurricane Norbert, I was able to walk Sitka at 4:00pm and not melt on the street. I could never walk her at that time of the day in June, July, August or's all perspective...hang in there!