Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Sometimes life just comes out of nowhere and kicks you straight, flat out in the ass, and then if that wasn't enough, it just sucks whatever is left right out of you.

This is a bit of a rant, pity-party, bitch session, poor me whine, just so we're clear.

Life has been pretty good lately.  Not great, but okay.  We've been happy enough I guess.  Sometimes we struggle with things, but we usually land on our feet.  We will this time too eventually, but we've had such a set-back today that I feel like I've had the wind kicked out of me and now I need to go throw up and cry in a corner.

I won't go into specifics, but I've had a good long cry tonight.  I don't feel any better, but I know that tomorrow is another day and life goes on.

So what's the fall-out from all of this?  The trip we had planned for January or February isn't going to happen.  Not much is going to happen.

All of our saving and every inch of credit is gone.  We have no room to maneuver at al.  I'm trying so hard to be positive but my head hurts, my heart has sunk as far as it can go.

I keep smiling for my kids.  I can't let them know.  I can't let them worry.  It's not their job.  It's mine.

I'm tired.  My spirit is tired.  My energy is depleted.  I'm so tired.  I'm sad and defeated and I can't keep up.


Steve Cotton said...

Because I cannot offer a shoulder or advice, I will offer my prayers during my walk this evening.

Theresa in Mèrida said...

You have my sympathies. I have been through fires,floods and burglaries among other things, and I know that this too shall pass. It doesn't feel like it now, but it will. I hope you feel stronger soon.

Nancy said...

The thing is, you will find the strength. You will.

Mike Nickell and Cynthia Johnson said...

Hey Beth - I went to send you an email and it's the first time I noticed your blog link to THE BOOK YOU WROTE!

So I am foregoing an email and telling everyone to go the link. Now that's something to be proud of. I've always wanted to write a book! Maybe tackling another book would lift your spirits?? I know you don't have much going on and you have the spare time...HAHAHA...or maybe go to a chick flick with a girlfriend? Or make your family's favorite meal and play Monopoly afterward? Or just take a long, hot bath with candles and good music?

Adversity sucks. But it sure feels good once it has passed. I'll be thinking about you...

Frankly Ronda said...

Been there and it is hard, hard, hard. Keep moving day to day and focus on the kids ...