Tuesday, July 22, 2008

The Weather and Me

With our departure date for Playa fast approaching, someone at work asked me, "Aren't you afraid to travel down there with tropical storm Dolly around? What if something happens while you're there? What if there's a (gasp) ... HURRICANE!"

I kind of chuckled. Maybe I have more balls than a lot of people, braver, less concerned... I don't know. Whatever it is, I'm just not afraid of weather. Don't get me wrong - I have a very healthy respect for Mother Nature, but I'm not about to run and hide from her, living my life in a bubble.

I find nothing more awesome and beautiful than a huge thunderstorm complete with thunder and lightning. Would I go stand in the middle of the street in bare feet toting a big metal pole? Of course not. But I'll stand under a safe roof, watching and listening with fascination, appreciating nature and all it's power with wonder.

I guess that some northerners are afraid of the "unknown". We don't get hurricanes, cyclones, tropical storms or things of that nature. We have had a few weak earthquakes in this area along with a few smaller tornadoes, but nothing of any real concern. Us northerners live in a relatively safe area, free from the serious weather dangers experienced in other parts of the world. But I seriously doubt that Mother Nature is going to keep me from going where I want and experiencing life.

I looked at my friend today, and felt a little sorry for her. I felt sorry that she's got these fears that hold her back from enjoying and experiencing life. The beauty of Mexico is well worth the miniscule risk!


Theresa in Mèrida said...

When I was young,I went to Florida on vacation. I remember a cashier commenting on how she would never be able to go to California because we had earthquakes. I was shocked because I figured that earthquakes didn't happen all that often but hurricane season came yearly. Different things make different people nervous. It's not like you can fly in if there is a hurricane coming. But, it might be a tad naive to equate it with a big rainstorm. I hope your vacation goes well.

Beth said...

Oh don't get me wrong Theresa! I'm not equating it with anything. That certainly wasn't my intent. Like I said, I've got a healthy respect and I'm not going to try my luck in a bad situation.

All I was saying was that I'm not going to quit doing things because there's a small risk of something happening. That would be like saying that I'm not going to go outside today, because there's a small risk of rain.

Theresa in Mèrida said...

Good for you!I guess I misunderstood, I am the type of person who does research about what I am going to do, so I will be prepared, but being aware is different from being afraid.
Is this the same friend who was afraid you would get food poisoning?
I forgot to mention that I was happy to see that you had posted today, I have been wondering what you have been doing. I think we don't have any more storms brewing right now, so hopefully you will have a nice vacation.

Steve Cotton said...

Beth -- I was in Melaque last wekk and saw a few thunderstorms, We just do not get that type of storm in Oregon. In four decades of sailing, I have never seen lightning strike the ocean. And there it was, right off my deck. Good for you for being willing to take chances to experience new things.