We've been mentally checking things off our to-do list, and list is getting rather short now. I'm sure there are other things we'll have to do, but these are the ones that are foremost on my mind right now.
- Buy US money
- Stock up on sun screen
- Find a kennel for Chorney
- Ask Meaghan's friend's mom if they will look after the hamster
- Get Meaghan new flip flops
- Finish reading my book for school so I can read something that I WANT TO READ!
I got a great list of cheap places to eat in Playa from http://www.playa.info/index.html . We're not rich and since there are 4 of us going this time we need to find ways of cutting down on costs while we're there. One of the wonderful members on the board had compiled an 8 page list of restaurants, mercado's, taco carts etc. I've printed it off and put it with the other info type stuff I'm bringing with us.
I've been in touch with the owners of the Plantation House, and recieved all the information needed from them. I'm looking forward to meeting them! She is from France and by coincidence, he is originally from a city about 30 minutes from here, which is where I lived when I first moved down here from northern Ontario. They seem like really nice, genuine people.
I found a webcam located at Playa Palms Beach so I've been watching the people go by on and off throughout the day. This morning I saw a guy taking a picture of 7 empty beach chairs. Why, I don't know... Seems like an odd thing to take pictures of, but that's just me. I would have turned around and taken a picture of the ocean!
This will probably be our last trip until after I finish teacher's college. There just won't be any money leftover for trips until I finish and actually start teaching, so we'll have to make the most of this one! I know that in about 3 or 4 months I'll be wanting to go again. Just have to keep myself in check and be responsible. Being responsible sucks.
I hope you have a great trip and really enjoy yourselves.
I love watching webcams from all over the place, could you give me the link for this one?
Hi Beth - it's Mike here. The one thing I'd say to remember to bring are KERCHIEFS! Or anything to wipe your face and neck with. Have a great trip and keep the dream alive.
Brenda - Here's the website address for the webcam.
Thanks guys - We're so looking forward to it!
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