On Thursday, I have bring the puppers, Trap and Chorney, to the vet's for their annual rabies, heartworm test, etc, etc. Chorney, the geriatric shepperd also needs a check up because we found blood in her urine.
Now, keep in mind that Chorney is over 13 yrs old and has been really very healthy her entire life. What we are dealing with lately is a back end that is just giving out on her. Although she still has control over her bladder, she regularly pops turds wherever she may happen to be. It's not her fault. She doesn't even know she's doing it. We just deal with it, and clean up behind her. She's earned that much. She's also very weak in her back end and has trouble walking, climbing stairs, and getting up from a down position.
So when I told the vet's office that I was concerned about the blood in her urine, she asked me to pop by and pick up a "urine specimen cup".
Pardon me?
Yes, a urine specimen cup for my pooch.
I'm trying to figure out how in the world I'm going to get this accomplished. This regal old girl likes her privacy, and having my hand shoved under her "parts" while she's attending to business isn't going to go over well with her.
Wish me luck everyone!
Sorry, messed up in the previous comment.
Good luck with getting the speciman. I would love to see a video of you trying to get that. lol
Seriously though I hope that you get the speciman and that it is nothing serious.
We left my German Shepherd in Canada with family and she just passed away this winter at the ripe old age of 15 1/2. I still miss her.
Ahhhh...you figure it out and then tell me your method...I'm guessing Sitka will have special needs as she grows older too!
I'll be sure to let you guys know how it goes! HAHAHA I'm just going to stick my hand under there and hope for the best. I did get some surgical gloves to use though!
beth -- I can truly empathize with you. Professor Jiggs is having the same issues. But dogs are amazing. Even with all of their obvious pain, they just want to be part of our pack.
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